6 Questions answered

Can I get Invisalign with missing teeth and what are possible complications?

Invisalign treatment can still be done if there is a missing tooth/teeth. The treatment plan usually involves closing the space or even opening or maintaining the space for a future implant or bridge placement. This will ensure the size and shape of the implant, crown or bridge is as ideal as possible. During the treatment, a tooth coloured material can be placed into your aligner to conceal the empty space such that there are no obvious gaps while you are wearing your aligner.

Photo of Dr Kenneth Siah

Answered By

Dr Kenneth Siah


Can I have dental implants if I have gum disease?

Not yet. Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is the irreversible loss of the bone and gums supporting your teeth. Therefore, ideally, your periodontal condition needs to be healthy (e. g. no bleeding while brushing, no plaque and tartar deposit, no gum recession), and to keep the gums healthy, you also need to understand your role in maintaining your oral hygiene.

Photo of Dr Kenneth Siah

Answered By

Dr Kenneth Siah


After a dental implant, is it necessary to have follow-up visits at the dentist?

Soon after receiving your dental implants, it’s very important to visit your dentist regularly to ensure healing has been successful and to diagnose any developing problems as soon as possible. If your implants are not healing properly, they could fail. Once implants fail, they will need to be removed and allow your bone and gums to heal, before attempting again. More frequent dental visits will help to diagnose any problems before they become serious. In addition, it’s important to check on the health of your gums.

Photo of Dr Kenneth Siah

Answered By

Dr Kenneth Siah


What can white bumps on the gums be a sign of? (photo)

White spots on the gums can be due to various reasons. These can range from mild issues to more severe conditions. You may need to check if they are: Asymptomatic (any pain associated?) , feels hard like bone underneath - likely just tori/exostoses (bony growth of the jaw). In most cases a non-issue. Fluctuant (soft) and/or painful - can seek a consultation to determine what it is or its cause. If soft and/or painful, it could be: Canker sores: They develop on the soft tissues of the mouth and around the gums. Also known as mouth ulcers.

Photo of Dr Kenneth Siah

Answered By

Dr Kenneth Siah


What problems can impacted wisdom teeth cause?

Wisdom teeth that do not have enough space to grow properly are known as impacted wisdom teeth [1]. They do not fully erupt into the mouth. As a result, they start growing in the wrong direction, coming out sideways, at a wrong angle, or sometimes they erupt only partially, thus affecting nearby teeth and causing several problems. These can lead to various problems like [2]: Crowding Decay and cavity in the adjacent tooth Infection of the tooth or gums due to food impaction Chronic mouth discomfort Misalignment of teeth Plaque caught between teeth and gums Ear pain Jaw pain Cyst.

Photo of Dr Kenneth Siah

Answered By

Dr Kenneth Siah


How can I address tooth sensitivity after getting a dental crown?

The tooth may feel sensitive after the crown is placed. For the majority, the sensitivity goes away within a couple of weeks after treatment as the tooth gets accustomed to the crown. Using simple analgesic medications can help manage the pain in the meantime. For example, ibuprofen is often recommended. It helps to reduce the associated pain and make the patient feel more comfortable. Some sensitivity of the surrounding gums is common following the placement of a dental crown. This is due to the irritation from the dental cement.

Photo of Dr Kenneth Siah

Answered By

Dr Kenneth Siah



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* This profile has been last updated on October 26, 2020.